Join EIN

The network is a group of organisations and individuals that work together to achieve EIN’s vision and mission. They become linked to the network through participation in its activities.

Organisations and individuals can join EIN by becoming either members or partners. In both cases the organisation/individual concerned must commit to adhering to the values of the founding statute of EIN, and to working towards effective implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

Members must additionally be willing to commit to contributing actively to the development of the Network. This means, for example: taking the lead in their own country in promoting implementation through hosting domestic events on implementation, generating media interest, involvement in setting up civil society implementation platforms, or distributing information to other organisations interested in implementation; or, if an international organisation, similarly promoting implementation through their network of national organisations; or, putting forward candidates for election to the Board of EIN. A full list of the benefits and responsibilities of EIN membership can be found here.

Both members and partners are eligible to benefit from EIN’s training programmes and advocacy materials, to receive advice and support in accessing the Council of Europe’s implementation processes, to be updated on developments in Strasbourg and to join the EIN Facebook group for implementation activists. Members have the additional right of participating in EIN’s biennial General Assembly.

Organisations with a focus on a single human rights issue are encouraged to join the network, but given the limited range of their human rights focus, are more likely to qualify for partner than for member status.

EIN strongly encourages all organisations or individuals committed to working on the effective implementation of ECtHR judgments to join the network, whether as a member or partner. Joining the network will strengthen it and help build a pan-European movement committed to making the most of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights.

The names of all members and partners are published at the EIN website.

(1) Become a member

Membership applications are reviewed and approved by the EIN Board, in accordance with the founding statute. Applicants should provide the following documents to EIN:

·        Completed application form, which can be found here

·        The founding statute or other documentation demonstrating the relevance of the applicant’s activities to the EIN mission and goals.

· A brief supporting letter stating 1) the reasons why the organization or individual wishes to join the EIN, (2) outlining the contribution they can make to the EIN and (3) indicating activities they have already undertaken in the field of implementation of ECtHR judgments

These should be sent to

(2) Partner with EIN

Partner applications are reviewed and approved by the EIN Secretariat. Applicants should provide the following documents to EIN:

·        Completed application form, which can be found here

·        The founding statute or, other documentation demonstrating the relevance of the applicant’s activities to the EIN mission and goals.

These should be sent to